Training & Education

Planning & the OPR

January 2022

Sustainable Travel and Transport Planning and Local Authority Development Plans – Robert Burns (DLRCC) Presentation

Speaker: Robert Burns, Director of Infrastructure and Climate Change with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

January 2022

Sustainable Travel and Transport Planning and Local Authority Development Plans – Owen Shinkwin (NTA) Presentation

Speaker: Owen Shinkwin, Senior Planner in the Integrated Planning Section of the NTA

January 2022

Sustainable Travel and Transport Planning and Local Authority Development Plans – Michael Ahern (NTA) Presentation

Speaker: Michael Aherne, Head of the Transport Development Division of the National Transport Authority (NTA)

November 2021

Q&A Responses – How to Implement National Renewable Energy Targets in Development Plans”

November 2021

How to Implement National Renewable Energy Targets in Development Plans” – Useful Links Slide

November 2021

How to Implement National Renewable Energy Targets in Development Plans” – ‘Local Authority Perspectives on the Integration of Climate Action into Development Plans’ – (Part 2)

Speaker: Tadhg Madden, Senior Executive Engineer with Laois County Council

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