AILG Training Module 1 (2023) A Briefing on the Electoral Reform Act – “Electoral Registration Modernisation”
Speaker: Petra Woods, Principal Officer, Electoral Registration Modernisation Project
Speaker: Petra Woods, Principal Officer, Electoral Registration Modernisation Project
Speaker: Bernie Bradley, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC)
Speakers: Cllr. Vicki Casserly, South Dublin County Council and Paul Allen, District Manager, South Dublin Co.Co
Speaker: Bernie Bradley, Public Sector Duty Team, Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission
Speaker: Leo Galvan, Leo Galvan – Irish participant at Democracy Action Week in the Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Speaker: Silke Paasche, Head of Communications and Membership, National Women’s Council
Speaker: Ragnar Almqvist, Council of Europe Presidency Task Team, Department of Foreign Affairs
Speaker: Cllr. Anne Colgan, Audit Committee Member, DLRCC