Date: Friday 30th September
Time: 10- 11.30am (online)
Register: email
AILG are pleased to announce our sixth training webinar of the year which will take place on Friday 30 September in partnership with the Office of the Planning Regulator.
The training event will focus on ‘Planning that Revitalises Ireland’s Towns and Villages’.
The first presentation will give an overview of the “Town Centre First” policy and the supporting delivery and finding initiatives. The second presentation will focus on Town Centre Regeneration and learnings from local authorities.
Our aim is to give the elected members an insight into how the relationship between the various funding and regulatory mechanisms, which are used to manage town centres, can address the issues of vacancy and dereliction that are so prevalent in many city and town/village locations.
The presentations will be delivered by:
- Stewart Logan, Senior Adviser with the National and Regional Urban Planning Policy Division of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Stewart’s presentation will focus on the provisions of the Government’s Town Centre First policy and the various implementation mechanisms. He will outline practical examples of measures that local authorities are taking and can adapt more widely to address the issues of vacancy and dereliction in our cities, towns and villages.
- Frank Moylan, Senior Planner, Sligo County Council & Maire Cullinan, Monaghan County Council’s Regeneration Officer for the Dublin Street Regeneration Scheme in Monaghan Town
Frank and Maire’s presentations will focus on specific regeneration projects undertaken by Sligo and Monaghan County Council, specifically the Sligo 2040 Public Realm/Vision Strategy and the Dublin Street Regeneration Project in Monaghan town. They will share their experience of applying for funding for these projects and the key learnings from the implementation and delivery of the projects on the ground.