President Cllr. Pat Fitzpatrick offically launched AILG’s Training brochure for 2023 during the Association’s Annual Conference in Hotel Kilkenny on the 20th April in partnership with Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Kieran O’Donnell, TD.
This year’s programme will consist of a blended hybrid approach of both in-person and online learning which will deliver further in-depth training and information on topical matters relevant to Elected Members including; Climate Action Plans, Electoral reform, Councillor Personal Security Training, Housing and Housing for All, Urban Regeneration and Development, Uisce Éireann, Rural Regeneration and Public Transport Development, and Irish Language Training. AILG’s 2023 planning training programme will also deliver further in-depth training on topical matters relevant to development plan preparation and Elected Members’ wider planning functions.
Commenting on the official launch, President Cllr. Fitzpatrick said;
‘The Association’s Elected Member Learning and Training Development Programme has grown from strength to strength over the last number of years in providing tailored training and education programmes to our 949 Elected Members. This would not have been possible without the work, involvement and support of key partners and contributors which together, will encourage further engagement, enhance knowledge and strengthen the influence of Councillors making a difference at local and community levels. I encourage each of our 949 Elected Members to partake in the training. It is imperative that our Elected Members have the necessary knowledge, education and leadership expertise to help them to meet their legislated responsibilities and to continue to strengthen and improve our local government system.‘
The Training Brochure can also be downloaded via our website at the following link;