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AILG Publish new Elected Member Guidance Handbook

The Association of Irish Local Government (AILG) has recently published a new Guidance Handbook for Councillors, aimed at assisting Elected Members in effectively fulfilling their roles as public representatives. This comprehensive handbook covers a wide array of topics essential for councillors, including an overview of AILG, the legislative and policy frameworks, and the specific roles of the Elected Member, Cathaoirleach/Mayor, and Chief Executive. Additionally, it outlines procedures for council meetings, local authority finance, and the functions of various committees. Key sections also address ethics and governance, the Code of Conduct for Councillors, and regulations concerning lobbying, GDPR, and FOI. The handbook provides crucial information on the Protected Disclosures Act, payments and expenses, councillor representative bodies, and offers guidance on training, development, and personal security for Councillors.

Councillors can download the new Handbook at the belowAILG Elected Members Guidance Handbook;

Elected Member Guidance Handbook


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